Ironically, the educational system that is fundamentally supposed to enrich creativity and educate individuals has been rather restricting. Everybody is judged based on their grades in universal subjects, as the video "I Will Not Let an Exam Grade Define My Fate" by Suli Breaks depicts, as well as race, as the clip of the O'Reilly show featuring Dr. Marc Lamont Hill who discuss President Barack Obama. Social expectations and demands have all narrowed the possibilities of who is considered a genius. Everyone has been judged "based on their ability to climb a tree" which, as Einstein argues, is absurd if you are a fish.
Suli Breaks shows us how school contributes to the assessment of genius within the limitations of Einstein's metaphor of climbing a tree. Breaks refuses to believe that he is stupid by not letting grades define him. Breaks argues that standards and grades set by society make it seem as though this is part of the ladder of success when in reality, grades are not that. We begin this paper with Suli in order to discuss the issues related to the marginalization of all young people's |