For this project, focus on a social justice issue that YOU are passionate about, something that you want to stay informed about for your own wisdom.
DigitAl Log #1Is there an artist (musician, painter, dancer), poet, scholar, or writer who you would like to follow? This has to be someone who maintains a social media/digital presence themselves--- not the machine/record company behind them--- and has a social justice focus. You are going to take a look at their digital archive this semester. This cannot be a mega-millionaire artist either.
OR, is there an activist or activist group who you would like to follow? You are going to explore the social justice that motivates the group or person. The person or group has to be directing and maintaining their own social media/digital presence though. You are going to take a look at their digital archive this semester. |
The Red, the Black, & the Green by Carmen Kynard is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. |
"Digital Justice" by Carmen Kynard is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. |