Thank you--- Davis, Gianna, Paige! (no more than 2-3 mistakes now)
Re-introduce yourself as class starts and look/walk around the room as much as you are able.
As an opening go-around, tell us these things: a) your name; b) your major and minor; c) the last thing you binge-watched and enjoyed (this could be a TikTok influencer/theme or TV show).
II. Announcements
The class agenda (for class meetings) is always under the cypher button
Password reminder (+ where to find reading assignments)
Please remember to bring a device that you feel comfortable using to go online, make slides, create images, etc when we meet on Tuesdays!
We'll review hype presentations next week.
III. Review of Guidelines for Submissions #1-13 (3 points each for 39 points in total)
We are working with two weblinks today. The first is a list of performances for you to choose from. The second is the corresponding google form for today's CA (classroom activity).