I. Let's begin by getting to know one another first. First, we write. Please take a moment to do some writing--- this does not need to be neat or spelled correctly. It's just so that Carmen can better remember you.
What is your name and pronouns?
What is your major? minor? interests?
What are you most curious about with this class? What do you want to learn?
Please remember to submit this writing when class ends.
II. Partnered Interviews and Introductions III. Name Game IV. Review of the Syllabus
Read over the syllabus. Your first assignment will be to read the whole thing through, but get a sense of it now.
What immediate questions or concerns do you have?
Brief Overview of the course and teaching style---Interactive, Black Style with an AfroFuturist Lean (and sometimes even a "Gangsta Lean"... click here for the reference)
Please remember to bring a device that you feel comfortable using to go online, make slides, create images, etc to our next class!
Biggest moments in 2024 Black Digital/viral Culture (c/o of THE ROOT)
What were the means of digital dissemination? What kinds of digital information/content was disseminated and by whom? How and why did Black digital creators choose these modes?
What issues and ideas did this moment introduce? Why do you think this is the case? Why now?
What were the responses of Black and/or multiracial audiences? Why?
What are the larger social and political issues going on here? What political shifts have been made since this moment and why?